Elements - Ultra HD Print on Box Canvas


My Elements painting stared as an abstract image of a flower that transformed into a fusion of blackface silhouettes on the colourful psychedelic backdrop.

This is an Ultra HD Print of the original Elements painting on Box Canvas. 1000mm x 1000 x 40mm

Free delivery within the UK and for international customers: please email me before purchasing original art to discuss shipping options.

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My Elements painting stared as an abstract image of a flower that transformed into a fusion of blackface silhouettes on the colourful psychedelic backdrop.

This is an Ultra HD Print of the original Elements painting on Box Canvas. 1000mm x 1000 x 40mm

Free delivery within the UK and for international customers: please email me before purchasing original art to discuss shipping options.

My Elements painting stared as an abstract image of a flower that transformed into a fusion of blackface silhouettes on the colourful psychedelic backdrop.

This is an Ultra HD Print of the original Elements painting on Box Canvas. 1000mm x 1000 x 40mm

Free delivery within the UK and for international customers: please email me before purchasing original art to discuss shipping options.

Frederick Worrell

Elements - London- 2020

Gesso, Acrylic, Oil on canvas

H 1200 mm x W 1200 mm x D 40 mm